Thursday, July 17, 2008

Me want watch / Family 'nat

So yeah, today I watched one of the newer episodes of Avatar and I REALLY LIKED IT. So I went online and I was like
"Ok, so let's see what I've missed...Wikipedia > Avatar > Episode Guide! There we go!"

Well, I'm finally caught on the first 2 "books". Whoo. Whatever. I really want to watch the new ones that are coming on today and tomorrow and then *GASP* there's a TV MOVIE. But I can't watch that because, well, it's nothing much just, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON. Too bad.

So yeah, enough sounding like a nerd and moving on...

So my cousin Megan has decided to be baptized into our church on Sunday! YES! HOORAY! This is awesome news. I'm happy. She's taking baptism "classes" with my parents and she seems to actually have a desire to join the church! YEAH!

My other cousin, Chloe (the Spanish one who IM'ed a bunch of you a few years ago...X_X), is taking a bunch of classes and stuff. Last week, while I was at Sr. High camp, she was away at Jazz Camp. Apparently she had a recital that I totally missed. :/ Well now this week she's taking guitar classes. I was offered to go and STUPIDLY DUMBLY IDIOTICALLY refused. GAH! I mean, seriously, she gets to borrow an electric guitar and TAKE IT HOME. GAAAAH I WANT TO LEARN TOO!

...Yeah, I really want to learn how to play the guitar. REALLY DO. I'd also like to learn Japanese, but I'll stick with guitar for now...

So yeah, back to nerdiness: it turns out cousin Megan was in a talent show and as far as I know SHE SANG A STAR WARS SONG. OMG. NO WAAAY. So yeah while I'm thinking about it, brb. I need to email my grandpa...

..k back. So anyway I really need to see the videos from Chloe's jazz recital and Megan's talent show. But I gotta go to bed now @_@ goodnight!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...