Monday, October 6, 2008

New, Second Blog; ETC

I'm thinking about creating a secondary blog for "Where Plans Fall Down". How does that sound? I may also start putting up other things too. It might just turn into literary arts blog, or whatever the hell it would be called without sounding too uptight and crappy.

My thoughts on this:
1) I'm often unsure whether I want to update WPFD or write a normal blog post. This solves that.
2) Distinguishes types of posts more easily.
3) Allows for more creativity and other mediums.
4) Motivates me to update both and continue drawing?
5) I don't have to update WPFD as much if it's secondary. (I'm a lazy ass)

Sound good? Lemme know.

I got a really low grade on my history test. Maybe I should have studied...

I'm watching Iron Man again tonight! Turns out Giant (note: not Giant Eagle) has the RedBox DVD stuff too. I have a strange feeling the companies are related.

I need a direction in my life SORTA! I need to find an instrument, a sport, a club, an activity, a something that I actually do with my life. Lemme play some of my ideas off of my lovely audience of 3 people +/- 1 person (uncertainty).

Instrument: I could always pick up the piano again, we'll see.
BASS guitar

Sport: This is going to be much more difficult; not because I can't play sports, but because I haven't in a couple years. Dammit SciOly and SA!
I'm thinking basketball, preferably JV. And that's it.

EDIT: NOT QUITE! Some martial art would be great too! :)

Club: I'm already in the lit. arts magazine club, Page. Good enough.

Activity: Seriously, what the f- else is there besides these? If you can think of something, hoorah for you. I guess a hobby would count, but it seems I have enough of those, especially those that don't go anywhere (drawing, blogging, thinking of ideas I never go through with)

Damn I suddenly want something with duck sauce. Why does this happen to hungry, growing children?!

Well anyway, I hope no one minds if I start saying damn or dammit some now. This post was a little damn-heavy, sorry. I'm just saying for general use (I feel so b-b-b-b-b-bad now)...

Well I really should move on with my life...oh wait. Blogging IS my life. Crap. Time to get married? That would really give me a life fast...O_O

Whatevs, screw it. G'night world, g'day Australia.


Anonymous said...

Re. Hobby: Have you thought about programming? It's stimulating and satisfying...get back to me if you want more info.
Re. WPFD: It'd almost be easier just as a straight-up website--instead of incremental blog posts, incremental edits to the site. Geocities or something. I'd offer you webspace on my site, but the ethics of giving webspace that's already been given to me is dubious at best--sorry.
A split is definitely good though.
If you do take the blog route--I recommend Wordpress, as an extra stimulation.

Anonymous said...

SHIT someone beat me there.

dude just letting you know if you make a second post im not gonna look at it, im too lazy.

dude they whole story thing might just be a bad call in general, unless you like have ideas.

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA i love the whole history thing, that made my life

Iron Man! good movie.

haha ill try to help you. agree with timmy, programming is dece. but i dont know if you're nerdy enough for that one.

piano, not so sure
guitar would be dece
BASS guitar would be sick

sport -- basketball, whatever. martial art is probably better, you'd get more out of your random energy.

clubs, fuck that.

i feel so b-b-b-b-b-bad too... oh wait i swear all the time never mind. do you think i care? exactly.


Krista said...

well contrary to what seems to be the popular opinion, I'd totally read your secondary blog because I don't have anything else to do with my life. And your thoughts on that are totally right, except I'm not really sure how or why it motivates you to continue drawing but hey, whatever works for you.

And no one cares about history, it's like the least important class anyway because all it does is test your ability to recall information out of a textbook, which is more or less useless in the real world.
But yeah, since it does count for a grade on your report card, studying next time might be wise. I'll study for my next history test if you study for yours! (haha we can be study-motivation buddies!)

And hmmm a direction in life, eh? I'm gonna back up the guitar/bass guitar idea cause music makes the world go 'round (or I feel like I've heard that it does somewhere) and playing the guitar is like one of the sexiest things a guy can do from a girl's standpoint.
The only way it can get better is if you serenade her at her window with your guitar and roses. Haha.
No, but seriously, go for the guitar. It's pretty easy to get going with it and it's a pretty flashy skill once developed.

Ooh have you ever played basketball before? Cause that'd actually be pretty fun too, plus you'd get all like tall and muscular and jock-like and then the next time I see you I won't recognize you and that would be an excellent surprise within itself, haha.

Uhh yeah programming's pretty dece too, and seeing as 3 of your 3 commentators for this post are programmers, you'd certainly have some major backup! It's such a nerd thing to do though, as formerly-pittsburgh said, and would totally cancel out the jockness from basketball.
Hahahaa if you decide to go through with it, though, you could make a tertiary blog for programming! *rolls eyes but is actually not being that sarcastic*

Oooh wait I forgot about the martial arts thing! I could totally see you as a black belt. Not gonna lie. Plus martial arts is all balancing mind and body which is pretty legit...and if anybody would ever try to attack you for whatever reason you could just go all Jackie Chan on them and they'd be like "oh snap!" (or, as we know from the edited vs. non-edited versions of London Bridge, "oh sh--[something else :)]".)

Haha that just made me think of the time we were at scioly and in the computer lab and just like singing Glamorous and you were doing the Ludacris part and it was the best thing ever.

Wow, I like my random flashbacks that make me lose my train of thought.

And I've never had anything with duck sauce in my life. a) What is it, and b) Is it tasty?

Oh and last thing before I go back to Bach's Ouverture No. 1 for another hour and a half: don't get married yet. Fathering children at such a young age is frowned upon in most societies and I'm pretty sure you're not ready to be a daddy or a husband yet.
But of course, should you decide to get married, invite me to your wedding (haha I almost typed weeding....I've listened to Paper Planes a few too many times)

ciao for noww!

Amé said...

heya! its ame
wow i havnt used this in soooooooo long....

page rules lol

and try out of basketball in november. i this you would be good at it :)
i would love to bring u to my kung-fu school, but, as is the problem with everyone else from school, its a little too far away for you ... :(

aaaaaaaaaaaas for instruments, piano and guitar rule ahahaaaaa guitar is easy if u already know piano/how to read music and stuff. but bass would be cool

sry bout history... study! study! study! even though it is a bit annoying...

but hey! four-day weekend!!!! cyaaaaa

Anonymous said...

YES. PLEASE DO THAT. Second. Journal thing. :D

As far as a purpose in life goes.. draw. Please? That way I get to see it :D Wow.. I think that I'm already trying to live vicariously through others... And I'm only 17!! DDD: But seriously, take my advice: do something and stick with it. That way you won't end up starting off with potential like everybody else, getting good at something, and then sucking at it in the end. Which, trust me, will make you sad.

Sorry I'm ten days late in reading this.. D: I will try harder!